Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Brand Spankin' New Photography Blog!

The title pretty much says it all. The world of blogging comes to Ron Warren Photography. Or vice versa. I'm hoping that this will put a face and personality to the art and business of my photographic endeavors. So often my potential clients (mostly eager brides-to-be) are overwhelmed by sample images, prices, packages, etc. All necessary evils. But once I get to talk to them face to face, something else happens. The likability factor.

As with any sizable purchase, especially of services, you really want to like and trust the person with whom you are dealing, all other things being equal. Sure, my photos are swell and my price is right. But when I get hired to photograph a wedding, more than any of that, I think it is usually because the bride likes me (or even more often, likes Dawn) and understands that we truly care about getting your pictures right without getting underfoot all day.

As I've been known to say, "It's better to be likable than to be like a bull."

In the days to come I expect to wax on about all manner of subjects photography related. I hope you enjoy! Oh, and here is a photograph I took in Sedona, AZ last month.
