It still functions as a school of architecture. There are no grades, no tests, and no set period of education, yet it is a fully accredited school of architecture.
Here's the man, himself:

and here are some pix I took of TW on Sunday:

Ron Warren, Detroit Area Photographer / 248-250-3369 /
I love Frank Lloyd Wright, but I've heard some of his home designs are somewhat impractical. But who cares, I guess, when they look that cool!
Some stuff, you bet it was impractical, at least by the standards of the typical American. But its all relative. At Taliesin West, some rooms didn't have windows until Mrs. Wright complained about all the critters getting in! And the roofs are made of canvas (like a tent). Which is actually pretty cool to me because it creates this excellent diffuse, shadowless light that would be swell for photography.
They say he would interview people before building for them to customize it to them. Down to what sort of furniture there were going to put in it.
All told, he was probably quite a piece of work, but that's the way it is with genius sometimes.
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