Monday, May 03, 2010

too perfect?

Are we going too far "fixing" people in photographs? Too much skin smoothing and teeth whitening? Too much eye poppin', sharpening, clarity, too much whites in the whites of their eyes? What do you think? Should we all use Photoshop brand toothpaste?


Michael said...

I give customers what they want...something a little bigger or smaller...something a little whiter, smoother, darker or ? That's just the way it is :)

Unknown said...

Guilty, sometimes I look at photos I have 'shopped in the past and cringe. what I try to do is do it in stages, leaving an image and going back to it later, sometimes you work on an image for too long and fail to even see it after too long working on it.

Rodney Erskine Dodson said...

As much as we like to be considered "Artists", What most of us Portrait Photographers practice is consumer portrait photography. We deliver to the client photographs that are flattering to the subject If you want to pursue interpretive or photojournalistic portraiture, you can always open a gallery!
