It still functions as a school of architecture. There are no grades, no tests, and no set period of education, yet it is a fully accredited school of architecture.
Here's the man, himself:

and here are some pix I took of TW on Sunday:

Ron Warren, Detroit Area Photographer / 248-250-3369 /
They say that even now she sometimes stumbles upon an unknown treasure in the house left behind by her eccentric father 63 years, or more, before. Like when she spied a mismatched wedge of wood in a ceiling beam. She pried it out to discover some money hidden behind it!
Lots of good stuff around the cyberspace of photography recently, and here are some of my favorites...
Terrific recent stuff from around cyberspace...
Lamps. That's right. Lamps. Streetlamps to be specific. Just something I ran across in downtown Tempe. Might have been along the rail line.
I like the look of it. What do you think?
I love lamp. BTW, have you seen Anchorman? Lowbrow to be sure, but I bet you laugh. And "I love lamp" is right up there.
The old logo was not nearly as friendly. Hope you like.
Suffice it to say, I like the look of the bike and red is a great color for anything trying to elicit the idea or sensation of speed. Must have something to do with the doppler effect. See, I can manage to be a geek even in the midst of all this cool. Sheesh!
Check out this great site for a fun history of the motorcycle with lots of great photos.
So....for each and every wedding, the following occurs:
You "see" a day of what may look like easy work, but you reap the benefits of at least two weeks labor, plus all of the training and investment the photographer did behind the scenes! So although your pal who is "into" photography may be inexpensive, a wedding photography professional is priceless!
For further reading, take a look at "Hiring Professionals Pays Off". Well-written and insightful.
I hope I've given you something to think about and thank you for reading!